2014 Sermons

New Year's Eve From Heaven the LORD Sees All People
+ He delivers all who hope in his unfailing love +
+ We wait in hope for the LORD +
Psalm 33
Pastor Hermanson
December 28
The Tale of Two Tombs
Matthew 2:13-18
Pastor Victor Prange
Christmas Day God IS One of Us!
John 1:14
Pastor Ungemach
Christmas Eve Candlelight Good News of Great Joy for All People
Luke 2:8-20
Pastor Hermanson
Christmas Eve Vespers The TRUE Light of Christmas!
Isaiah 9:2-7
Pastor Ungemach
Midweek Advent
December 17
Advent At Hand!
Malachi 3:1
Seminarian Joshua Schultz
December 14
The Messiah's Miracles
+ He takes us from nothing to everything +
+ Our hearts are bursting in love and praise +
Isaiah 61:1-11
Pastor Hermanson
Midweek Advent
December 10
Advent Awaited
Psalm 14:7
Pastor Ungemach
December 7
Shout Out "Here Is Your God!"
+ He has come to purchase us for himself +
+ Open your heart to your God +
Isaiah 40 1-11
Pastor Hermanson
Midweek Advent
December 3
Advent Announced
Genesis 3:15
Pastor Ungemach
November 30
God Bless Us and Keep Us To The End
+ Grace neglected is lost +
+ Grace embraced empowers +
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Pastor Hermanson
November 27
Thanksgiving Made Simple: Remember the Lord!
Deuteronomy 8:18
Pastor Ungemach
November 23
"Hail King Of The Jews"
+ Who hails a crushed and crucified king? +
+ Our king died to save and rose to rule +
Matthew 27:27-31
Pastor Hermanson
November 16
Get Ready!
Matthew 25:1-13
Pastor Thomas Kraus
November 9
Timely Encouragement!
+ Be prepared! + Be different! + Be confident! +
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Pastor Ungemach
Reformation Sunday
November 2
"Sheep Among Wolves" — That Doesn't Sound Good
+ When wolves dine with sheep, mutton is on the menu +
+ Sheep are former wolves that have eaten the Lamb +
Matthew 10:16-23
Pastor Hermanson
October 26
Are We In Danger of Forfeiting God's Grace?
+ He has also called us to faithful service +
+ But, he will punish everyone who proves unfaithful +
Matthew 21:33-43
Pastor Ungemach
October 19
Beware of Spiritual Stubbornness
Matthew 21:28-32
Pastor Victor Prange
October 12
Seek The Lord God, Almighty
+ But that doesn't make sense to us +
+ Yet here he is with his merciful pardon +
Isaiah 55:6-9
Pastor Hermanson
October 5
Never Play God!
Let God's love and blessings lead you to…
Forgive and forget and then,
Go the extra mile!
Genesis 50:15-21
Pastor Ungemach
September 28
Confront Sin to Win!
+ Motivated by his love +
+ Encouraged by his promises +
Matthew 18:15-20
Seminarian Joshua Schultz
September 21
Make Yourself A Living Sacrifice!
+ It demands a refusal to conform +
+ It requires a truly sober self-awareness +
+ It results in tested and approved faith and life +
Romans 12:1-8
Pastor Ungemach
September 14
Are We 100% On Board In Believing What God Has Revealed?
+ Jesus is the Messiah and the only rock of salvation +
+ In him and only in him are we safe from Satan +
+ Jesus hands down his verdict for us to announce +
Matthew 16:13-20
Pastor Hermanson
September 7
Try Measuring Your Own Faith By Persistence!
+ Do you seek the RIGHT help first? +
+ Do you empty yourself of all pretenses? +
+ Do you cling desperately to God's promises as your only true hope? +
Matthew 15:21-28
Pastor Ungemach
August 31
Really! Jesus is the Son of God, Really!
+ The Son of God comes to us even in our darkest hours of doubt and fear +
+ Trust the Son of God in every storm of body and soul +
Matthew 14:22-33
Pastor Hermanson
August 24
Simply Amazing!
+ Jesus' level of compassion +
+ His ability to address human need +
+ The facets of his planning to teach and grow his disciples +
Matthew 14:13-21
Pastor Ungemach
August 17
Can YOU Find Something BETTER to Treasure?
+ Your God is always working for your good! +
+ He lovingly works it all according to a long term plan +
+ That plan results in YOU being eternally justified and glorified +
Romans 8:28-30
Pastor Ungemach
August 10
So Much Evil, How Can Anyone Be Saved?
+ The world is God's field, he is in control +
+ We are his wheat, in him we are safe +
+ Judgment Day is his harvest, grow strong in the Son and be ready for his return +
Matthew 13:24-43
Pastor Hermanson
August 3
Bible Stories Are For Healing
"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
John 20:31
Pastor Ken Wenzel
July 27
Do YOU Agree That the Law Is GOOD?
+ When it exposes your sins? +
+ When it reveals to you your helplessness? +
Romans 7:15-25
Pastor Ungemach
July 20
He Has Bought Us; We Are His
+ Love Jesus more than life +
+ Welcome those who are his own +
Matthew 10:34-42
Pastor Hermanson

July 13

Don't Let Fear Halt the Harvest!
+ The opposition will never succeed +
+ The Lord's perfect care is always yours +
+ The Lord promises you a glorious future +
Matthew 10:24-33
Pastor Ungemach
July 6
Millions and Millions of Lost Souls
+ Jesus came for them +
+ We are to pray for them +
+ Jesus sends workers out to them +
Matthew 9:35-10:8
Pastor Hermanson
June 29
Disciples Wanted: Only Sinners Need Apply
+ Jesus calls sinners to work in his kingdom… +
+ Because he has called them to eternal life +
Matthew 9:9-13
Pastor Ungemach
June 22
"Trust Blood"
+ Not our own sinful blood +
+ Trust Jesus' blood that has freely justified all people +
+ Trust Jesus' blood that gives believers righteousness from God +
Romans 3:21-28
Pastor Hermanson
June 15
Why Shall You Have No Other Gods
+ When the Father calls you by grace +
+ When the Son covers you with love +
+ When the Spirit creates fellowship with you +
2 Corinthians 13:11-14
Pastor Tom Bauer

June 8

Lord, Pour Out Your Spirit On Us
Acts 2
Pastor Hermanson
June 1
The "How To" of Living for our Ascended Lord
1 Peter 5:6-11
Pastor Ungemach
8th Graduation
May 30
Follow the Path god Has Made Known to You
Psalm 16:11
Pastor Ungemach
May 29
Theme: GOD Has Ascended Amid Shouts of Joy!
Psalm 47
Pastor Ungemach
May 25
"I'm Not in the World, But I Am in You"
+ God in us and we in God +
+ Christ's love creates love and obedience in us +
John 14:15-21
Pastor Hermanson
May 18
You Have A Place!
John 14:1-6
Pastor Thomas Kraus
May 11
Exactly The Shepherd We Need!
John 10:1-10
Pastor Ungemach
May 4
What are You Discussing?
+ Why so downcast? +
+ Were not our hearts burning within us? +
Luke 24:13-35
Pastor Hermanson
April 27
Of Greater Worth than Gold!
+ A living hope of resurrection +
+ True comfort in grief and trial +
+ A joyous and glorious goal +
1 Peter 1:3-9
Pastor Ungemach
Easter Sunday
April 20
He Has Risen Just As He Said!
+ Defeated believers +
+ Victorious believers +
+ Today's believers +
Matthew 28:1-10
Pastor Hermanson
Maundy Thursday
April 17
On the Very Night He Was Betrayed,
Jesus Showed His Perfect Love for You

John 13:1
Pastor Michael Schultz
Palm Sunday
April 13
A Parade that Fulfills Ancient Prophecy? Indeed!
+ A gentle, humble King +
+ On a mission to save his pleading people +
Matthew 21:1-11
Pastor Ungemach
April 9
The Garden of Paradise
Revelation 22:1-6
Pastor Hermanson
April 6
Do YOU Believe This?
+ That Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life? +
+ That Jesus is the Christ, the Song of God? +
John 11:23-27
Pastor Ungemach
April 2
The Garden of Peace
John 19:38-42
Pastor Ungemach
March 30
God's Holy Call to Self-Sacrficing Service
+ God called Jesus to sacrifice his life to ransom us +
+ God calls us to sacrifice our lives to honor Jesus +
Matthew 10:17-28
Pastor Hermanson
Midweek Lent
March 26
The Garden of Passion, It's a Place that Shows us that…
+ There was no other way +
+ There is no greater love +
Luke 23:39-44
Pastor Michael Schultz
March 23
Have Nothing to Do With the Darkness!
+ It is where we used to live +
+ It leads to only fruitlessness and shame +
+ The light of Christ has dispelled the darkness +
Ephesians 5:8-14
Pastor Ungemach

Midweek Lent
March 19

The Garden of Repentance
Luke 13:1-9
Pastor Hermanson
March 16
Be Real With the Real Messiah
+ Jesus really is talking to us + Jesus offers us real life + Jesus sees our real sins + Jesus gives us real hearts + Jesus is our real Messiah +
John 4:5-26
Pastor Hermanson
Midweek Lent
March 12
The Garden of Proclamation
Mark 4:26-29
Pastor Ungemach
March 9
You and I NEED Lent
+ To remind us of the way it was +
+ To remind us of why it is the way it is +
+ To remind us of the only way out +
Genesis 2:7-9 Genesis 2:15-17 Genesis 3:1-7
Pastor Ungemach
Ash Wednesday
March 5
The Tension of Repentance
Luke 18:9-14
Pastor Michael Schultz
March 2
Peter, Stop Talking and Take It In!
+ What do you see? +
+ What do you hear? +
Matthew 17:1-8
Pastor Hermanson
February 23
Holy, Perfect Love
+ Jesus demands it of us +
+ Jesus showers it on us +
+ Jesus empowers it in us +
Matthew 5:38-48
Pastor Hermanson
February 16
The Path to Blessing Is Seeking the Lord!
+ Along the way you will find honest answers in his law +
+ You will find motivation and contentment for obeying him +
+ You will discover certainty that he will never, ever forsake you! +
Psalm 119
Pastor Ungemach
February 9
Shine the Light of Christ In Your Life!
+ Through faith that flows from your heart +
+ Through faith that shows itself in acts of love +
+ Through faith that pursues a closer relationship with the Savior +
Isaiah 58:5-9
Pastor Ungemach
February 2
Jesus Blesses Broken Sinners
+ Blessed are the poor and meek, who mourn over sin and hunger for righteousness +
+ They are God's People, who he will comfort, clothe, and fill +
+ Blessed are those, who with pure hearts, make peace, show mercy, and are persecuted for it +
+ They are God's people, who will receive mercy, see his face, and be called his children +
Matthew 5:1-12
Pastor Hermanson
January 26
No More Gloom For You!
+ The Savior shines through the darkness +
+ His light shines out for everyone +
Isaiah 9:1-4
Pastor Ungemach
January 19
Look God's Son Is God's Sacrifice
+ He gave us his light +
+ We share his light +
John 1:29-41
Pastor Hermanson
January 12
+ Marked by the Christ's Coming +
+ Marked by the Father's pleasure +
+ Marked by the Spirit's anointing +
Matthew 3:13-17
Pastor Tom Bauer, SLHS
January 5

Jesus Came Dressed for the Occasion
+ Clothed in righteousness +
+ To clothe us in righteousness +
Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Pastor Paul Brug, SLHS


© 2025 Faith Ev. Lutheran Church, Antioch, IL