Upon the birth of a child, members are encouraged to inform the pastor to enable a hospital visit by the pastor. Baptism arrangements will begin at that point. Baptism is usually administered in our regular worship services. It is important that Baptism takes place as soon after the birth as possible. Sponsors or godparents should be of our confession of faith (WELS or ELS). Witnesses can be chosen, however, regardless of church affiliation.
Cradle Roll
This program keeps in touch with children from baptism through three years. The coordinator distributes materials to the parents; to help them raise their children in the Lord prior to the time they are eligible to attend Sunday school.
Sunday School
Sunday school is on Sunday morning from 8:15 - 9:15 AM September-May. Parents are urged to send their children from three years old through eighth grade to learn about the Bible and become familiar with Jesus our Savior and how to live a life pleasing to Him. We also have a summer Sunday School, check our calendar for when these classes are held.
Youth Bible Study
Being a teenager can be frustrating and confusing. The transformation from childhood to adulthood brings many new responsibilities and freedoms. It is very important at this time to feel a part of the church and understand how to share your faith, as well as apply it to your life.
Youth of the congregation are invited to attend a youth Bible study conducted on Sundays at 8:15 AM. All youth in grades 7-10 are invited. The class studies books of the Bible and contemporary topics and issues.
The following groups; Sunbeams, Buckaroos, Pioneers and Girl Pioneers are all designed for the children of Faith to socialize and have fellowship with other Christian children their ages. They offer a good alternative to the unionistic Scouting movement. Meetings are usually held on Monday evenings at our school campus.
The Sunbeams is a group of young girls in the first and second grades that gather for Christian fellowship several times each month. They learn crafts, knots, camping, and many other skills.
The Buckaroos are a group of young boys in the first and second grades. They meet most Monday's (check the calendar for specific dates) each month during the school year, as well as a fall camp-out and several Christmas gatherings throughout the year.
Lutheran Pioneers
Pioneers is a group specifically designed to provide Christian fellowship among older children. We have both girl (LGP) and boy (LP) Pioneers at Faith. Children from third grade through eighth grade are invited to attend. Activities include camping, biking and canoeing. The groups meet regularly on Monday evenings during the school year (check the calendar for specific dates).
Camp Oakridge
Camp Oak Ridge was established to provide our Lutheran Pioneer and Lutheran Girl Pioneer groups with a place to practice and learn the skills required for living in God's world. To encourage fellowship with other Christians. To develop a knowledge of God's wonderful creation. To help in the development of our future Christian leaders.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held on the last two Friday's of July and first two Friday evening's of August (check the calendar for specific dates) to allow parents a "Summer Night Out". Its purpose is to teach God's Word to our children, and to invite unchurched children to come and hear the Gospel.
Christmas for Kids
Christmas for Kids is held for one day in early December (check the calendar for specific dates). Its purpose is to teach "the reason for the season" to our children, and to invite unchurched children to come and hear the Gospel.
Easter for Kids
Easter for Kids is held for one day in the season of Lent (check the calendar for specific dates). Its purpose is to teach why Jesus died on the cross for all our sins to our children, and to invite unchurched children to come and hear the Gospel.
Catechism Instruction
Classes are held to teach the children of our congregation the six chief parts of Christian doctrine as outlined in Luther's Small Catechism. These classes also prepare them for the Rite of Confirmation and communicant membership in our Lutheran church. Children are usually confirmed at the conclusion of eighth grade after four years of instruction beginning in the fifth grade. All children of the congregation are expected to attend. Public school children meet once a week during the school year for 1.5 hours each Tuesday night. Classes for our day school children are held during the school day. Our pastors teach these classes.
Camp Phillip, near Wautoma, Wisconsin, holds many camps for children and youth, especially during the summer months. Each year a number of children from Faith enjoy the excellent programs offered.
Luther Preparatory School (LPS)
The continuing purpose of L.P.S. is to offer high school education to prepare young people for the pastoral, teaching and staff ministry. The curriculum is specifically designed to prepare students for entry into Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, where they continue their studies for full-time ministry in our Synod. The young men and women of our congregation are encouraged to consider serving God in this way. For more information call L.P.S. at (920) 261-4352. L.P.S. is located in Watertown, Wisconsin, 45 miles west of Milwaukee. (Our Synod also has another preparatory school, Michigan Lutheran Seminary, in Saginaw, Michigan).
Shoreland Lutheran High School
Shoreland Lutheran High School is an area WELS high school located on County E in Somers, Wisconsin. The current enrollment for grades 9-12 is about 320. Over the years many students from Faith have attended Shoreland to receive a Christ-centered education. Call (262) 859-2595 for more information. A bus transports Faith students, the 19 miles north, to Shoreland every day for a transportation fee.
Martin Luther College (MLC)
MLC is the Wisconsin Synod's College of Ministry, located at 1995 Luther Ct., New Ulm, Minnesota, 56073, about 100 miles southwest of Minneapolis, Minnesota. M.L.C. is our training college for pastors, teachers and staff ministers. Pastoral students follow their studies at M.L.C. with four more years at our seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin. For more information call M.L.C. at (507) 354-8221.
WLC is a liberal arts college supported by WELS congregations located at 8800 Bluemound Road in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53226. Degrees offered include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Business Administration. Call (414) 774-8620 for more information.